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The ministry here at Bethany Camp doesn't take place without people like you who give sacrificially with material & monetary gifts. As we look back at what God has done here over the past ten years, it's amazing to see how God used people to encourage a environment that allows spiritual growth & change to occur. We offer different things that you can give to including: a Capital Campaign to improve our facilities, a Scholarship Fund to offer a free week of camp to kids in need, and a memorial fund to support Bethany Camp in remembrance of a loved one. If you'd like to donate time, money, or resources to Bethany Camp, give us a call to find out what you can do to help support the ministry here!



There is always something to work on here at Bethany Camp! In 2010, we introduced a Master Plan to take the ministry of Bethany Camp forward. This included: updates to current facilities, renovating or replacing cabins, building spaces for retreats & events and additional office space, and eventually creating a large multipurpose building that would also include a gymnasium. These projects always require the help of volunteers to make sure they are completed on schedule. If you would like to find out how you can help with the things going on around Bethany Camp, give us a call at 716-287-2848 and click the link below to see what the current projects are here at Bethany Camp!



Have you ever wanted to work 12 to 14 hours a day in the hot sun, getting dirty & sweaty, staying up late at night just to do it all again the next day?  Volunteering at Summer Camp may be a very tiring expenditure, but the rewards of building relationships and seeing campers grow in their walk with Jesus Christ are priceless! We have many different areas that you can be a part of when it comes to Summer Camp Staff and we would love to have you work alongside of us to create an environment for Spiritual Growth & Change! Anyone ages 14 - 18 can be a part of our volunteer staff teams while anyone else ages 18+ can apply to be a part of our leadership team. Click the link below to find out more on how you can be a part of Summer Camp 2022!

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